Friday, February 16, 2007

Links to online articles.

Note; this is a work in progress; subject to much change and expansion.

1. Anthropology;
- Genesis and Early man - Arthur Custance (book)

2. Art;
- Is there a christian art? - Thomas Schirrmacher

3. Cosmology;
- The role of belief in cosmology - John Byl

4. Epistemology;
- A Truly Reformed Epistemology - By Michael Butler
- At war with the word - Greg Bahnsen

5. Extraterrestrial Life;
- Life in the universe - John Byl

6. Geology;
- Studies in Creationism and Flood Geology - John Woodmorappe

7. Human nature;
- The origin, essence and purpose of man - Herman Bavinck

8. Humanities;
- Biblical Creation and the Humanities - by Ellen Myers

9. Language;
- Who taught Adam to speak? - Arthur Custance
- Creation and Human Language - Dennis Farrell
- On the Origin of Language - by Les Bruce
- Words: Genetic and Linguistic Problems for Evolution - John W. Oller, Jr.

10. Law;
- Nihilism and the End of Law - Phillip Johnson

11. Literature;
- The loss of God in the novel - Pete Lowman

12. Nature;
- God within nature - Arthur Custance
- Information, science and biology - Werner Gitt
- The natural sciences know nothing of evolution - A. E. Wilder-Smith (book)

13. Origins;
- Evidence for a young world - Russell Humphreys
- The Necessity For Creationism - By R. J. Rushdoony

14. Philosophy;
- Naturalism, theism and objective knowledge - John Byl

15. Psychology;
- Why Secular Psychology Is Not Enough - William Kirk Kilpatrick

16. Religion;
- The psychology of atheism - Paul Vitz

17. Science;
- Revelation, Speculation and Science (Origins is not a scientific question) - Dr. Greg Bahnsen
- Can science do away with religion? - John Byl
- Has science eliminated god? - Alister McGrath
- The Incarnation and modern science - James Nickel

18. Work;
- Creativity and the value of work - Udo Middelman

19. Worship;
- On Worshipping the Creature Rather Than the Creator
By Dr. Greg Bahnsen

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